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After Care

After Care is essential for lash retention!

Below are some of the things necessary for great lash retention.


*Do not allow moisture (water/steam/sweat) to touch the lashes

for the first 6-8 hours of getting a fill or set


*Wash your face with oil free face washes and always be cautious

 when using face products that contain oil


*When using makeup removers please remember to use oil free!

Micellar water is a great choice and many different brands make them

for many different skin types.


*Please avoid using mascara, eyeliner or strip lashes. Eye shadow is "OK" but still not recommended as it contains oil. Oil breakdown the bond in the glue used to adhere your extensions to your natural lashes which causes them to fall quicker.


*Please remember to brush your lashes daily and after washing. 


*Washing your lashes is very important and recommended daily if not at least every other day. Washing your lashes without lash shampoo is like brushing your teeth without toothpaste.. clean lashes are happy lashesWe sell our own brand of lash shampoo with a brush which you can pick up at check out. This shampoo is specially formulated for extensions and the brush allows you to really get a deep clean so it is highly recommended but there are alternatives you can purchase out on the market.


*Please make sure book a refill appointment ahead of time, our Friday and Saturday are usually booked out in advance. Don't face disappointment book a appointment :)


*Enjoy your lashes and please remember to tag us in your lashfies ;)                   



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